Sunday, April 5, 2009


I haven't posted in a while.
I've been so busy, with life and stuff.
You know.

Anyway, Junior Prom was yesterday.
Very, very fun.

I was really worried about was dancing, however.
I seem to always make a fool out of myself when trying to dance.
Yesterday was probably no exception.
I did eventually let loose though, after much encouragement.
It was kind of hard to dance to a lot of songs, though, thanks to the DJ.

But I'm not complaining.
Not one bit.
It was definitely a lot of fun.


1 comment:

  1. yeah the D.J. would change the song.. in the middle of a song.. and then back to the original song!
    on the plus it made everyone look like a good dancer because before you got carried away the song would change then you and your partner would stand their confused for 30 seconds then start dancing again haha
