Sunday, March 22, 2009

a dilemma

Junior Prom is on April 4th. 
Sounds exciting, right? 
At least for me.

The fact is that I'm not exactly the main character in a Disney movie who ends up with all her hopes, dreams, and (insert another cliche term here) fulfilled.
Far from it.

I think I'm just making things complicated for myself. Nothing has ever actually happened to me that would make me feel like this. 
But that's my point. 
Nothing ever happens. 
I think I have a better chance of catching the bird flu than being asked to prom (or even on a date).

Yes, that's where this post is going.

My problem is that I'm not very outgoing. My mom always says you have to be a friend to make a friend (or something along those lines.) I guess the same goes for relationships.
People (aka feminists) have said "Don't wait for a guy to ask you to prom. Ask him yourself. Be an independent woman!" Blahblahblah. I can hear Beyonce in the background just thinking about it. 

But I am a sucker for chivalry. I could have easily lived during the time when the guy swept the girl off her feet and carried her off into the sunset (if that even happened, that is). 
I'm lucky if a guy will hold the door for me.

I think I went off on a tangent. Back to my point.
I like someone. I'll tell you that much.
But (wait for it...) I don't think he likes me.
Surprised? Probably not.
What's worse is that I know that someone else likes me but I like him as a friend.
Ouch, I know. 
(At this point, I'm a little worried about who's reading this blog but, I guess I'll take my chances).

I can't even describe how I feel everytime I think about how I probably WON'T get asked by the person I like. Ok, I'll try.
Imagine someone screaming a certain curse word.
Now multiply that by 10 (Or 100, depending on how loud you imagined the person screaming).

Maybe I'm just being overly dramatic.
I joke with my family that I'm going to turn into a spinster.
My little sister has fun imagining me being a single old lady with 27 cats.
Gee, thanks Giana.

Either way, I'm not expecting much.
My expectations for everything these days have been set pretty low.

But there is a part of me that is hoping that what I want to happen will, in fact, happen.

Until then, I'll just listen to Coldplay and pretend that Chris Martin is singing to me.



  1. prom dates. I'm so mixed between whether I want one or not, because I know I'll make it awkward for the both of us if I do get one (tests have shown that this is accurate from 75% of my total dates)

    awww tania. this post made me cry inside. I love this post. but I have the same feelings, in a different way. why do boys at our school not understand girls? wait. that's a dumb question.
    if junior prom isn't exactly what you're hoping for, I know senior prom will be. you never know how much can change in a year.


    ps I hope you're coming to prom anyway! I'm going even if I don't find a date (which is very very likely)

  2. aww. ausrine. thanks.
    i'd probably make everything awkward too.
    maybe i will come. probably.


  3. Hey, Tania.
    It's Sarah Bush.
    Haha, that made me feel awkward, introducing myself in the comment, but I found your blog cause I saw it on Ine's page. Anyways, like Ine said I love this post too! Before this year I was definitely a girl who believed in the guy making the first move and I still do really, but now I know that I can take that step too, which sort of scares me, because then I'm putting myself out there for acceptance or rejection. And I've faced some rejection, but the thing is I've also realized that I can handle that and that sometimes life is better with what turns out to happen then whatever you've imagined.
    I still completely believe in chivalry and hope that one day my knight in shining armor will sweep me off my feet, but until that day I'm having a blast with my friends. I really think you should go to junior prom, it'll just be a really great night! And I don't have a date, and neither does Ine (but her status might change) and it'll just be a blast. Really, I think you should go Tania.

    Okay, well that's my pitch, hope you're going. Haha also I wrote this right now to procrastinate from starting the Comparative study guide.

    Also if it's not prying too much I'm really curious as to who you have a crush on. Maybe we could discuss during school tomorrow.


  4. SARAH!
    thanks for the comment.
    I think I'll go. Probably.
    Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow during lunch.

  5. o hey nania...
    nice blog!

  6. oh hai jenny.

  7. Ohmygod. So I feel stalkerish but I was reading Jenny's blog and noticed Tania' yeah.

    I resent the statement that guys at this school do not get girls! I'm sure...maybe...there's one out there..

    Nice post! I totally know what you would suck to be the girl and have the standard be to WAIT for the other person to make a move when they're ready..ouch.

  8. conorskelding.
    that's hiarious.
    i saw your blog a few days ago and felt a little stalkerish...

    but i never said that the guys don't get the girls, that was ausrine.
    i'm sure they kind of understand. kinda..

    thanks though.
    your blog is pretty great.
