Monday, August 17, 2009

Commercials make the American public seem like complete idiots.

First of all, I know I haven't written in this blog for over 3 months, but that's entirely irrelevant to this post.

I just saw a commercial for a new, digital pregnancy test (what other kinds of commercials are on during daytime soaps? besides commercials for life insurance and colon-regulating yogurt, that's basically it).
In the ad, the omniscient-product-spokes-voice describes how 1 in 4 women read the results of their pregnancy test wrong.
Of course, the blame can't be placed on the dumb-as-rocks women who can't tell the difference between "||" and "|"  or "-" and "+". Really, it's not their fault that they didn't read the directions or graduate from 8th grade. 
So, instead of letting these women stress out for a while and think they're pregnant, all the while they're just ridiculously stupid, the pregnancy test company comes out with a new test.
Wow, this DIGITAL (Wtf, honestly. Digital? Even things we have to pee on are becoming digital!?) pregnancy test (aka "Clearblue Easy [I'm not kidding. It's called "Easy", not "Just a bit complicated" or "The normal difficulty level of a pregnancy test" but no, "Easy".] Pregnancy Test").
Now, what's so great about this is that it says "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT" or "IMMACULATE CONCEPTION". It also tells you the baby's sex and helps you name the little bugger... (There was a joke somewhere in the previous sentences, find it.)

My whole point is that commercials are making us, the general public, seem like grade school drop-outs. It's pretty insulting if you ask me.
Also, some commercials are just stupid (not like beer-drinking, hahaha stupid, but seriously dumb).
One commercial that I thought was actually kind of interesting (at first, at least) showed one woman constantly changing outfits as she's walking through her house, obviously a nod to the ever-changing world of women's fashion. 
At the end of the commercial it said "Fashion has evolved, shouldn't bladder protection?"

Honestly. These types of things drive me nuts.
But I just gotta ignore them. 
That is, after I complain about them first.