Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I don't really know what I'm trying to say on this subject, as I haven't really done any research, but am just going to give my opinion.

I think the whole Swine flu thing is ridiculous.
From what I've heard, it's treatable and really not that dangerous.
Just because it's spreading quickly doesn't mean it's going to be like the Black Plague.

I'm just annoyed by the media and its "OMGSWINEFLU" mentality.
And all those people walking around with face masks on? Please.

This was relatively pointless, I know.
I just needed to update my blog.


  1. I totally agree..it annoys me actually. It's just the next big scare.

  2. Same. I heard the regular flu was worse. It just sounds scarier...Ooh, swine flu! Oh no!

  3. to the comment you just posted on my post:
    it made you feel like you were on Lake Shore Drive? that's crazy.

    ...just kidding.
    we need to hang out and I need to see your lovely mother again sometime soon haha


  4. omg haha so so true! swine flu is a dud :)
